Media bites the dust - Sooo Similar Modi and Trump elections

Donald Trump Victory came as a Shocker not only to the Democrats in US but many across 
the world who were made to believe by the Media that Hillary Clinton will win hands down in the just concluded Presidential elections.

This is not the first time Media across the world bites the dust, It happened back home in 2014 elections despite a sustained campaign against Modi, false Propaganda, biased Analysis, Influencing through Pre-Poll survey, mock debates Media like +NDTV, CNN IBN tried all tricks to make sure a perception that Modi will not form the government,

The Idea behind this perception building by the media is to inevitably influence Voters to cast in favor of the Predicted Winner by the Media. If  NDTV in India leads the pack of PIMP Journalists across the country so is CNN , Washington Post , New York times does it for the rest of the World..

What happened in India back in 2014 and in US now have so much of similarity where Media made a sustained effort to populate hatred against Modi and Trump respectively. But what happened in both the countries is that
  • People wanted Change 
  • Wanted  to Change the lies that Politicians fed us
  • Wanted to Change the Media which poisons the mind of people with their own agendas

What is so common between NDTV and the US Media against Modi and Trump
  • Biased reporting and relentless campaign against Modi and Trump
  • Hostile Coverage and Openly one sided View.
  • Handful of Editors decide what poses threat to the Democracy.
  • Media Elite united in this campaign but utterly clueless on the ground reality
NDTV is wannabe CNN take any side  but in the process that harms the Nation. Downplay Minority aggression (Assam) but exaggerates any Statement made by the Majority as long as it brings chaos.Thereby sending spreading frantic message to the Minorities that Majorities are out to get them (Gujarat).

These Media outlets are filled with Fifth Columnists which always undermine the larger Section of the country but also favors the enemy nation..

Advent of Social Media has brought these Media to its more getting away unchallenged, They are not going to change till they shut their Shops.


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