After LEMOA pact, It's War Games Indo-US (CICT) commences in Uttarakhand

Ash Carter and Manohar Parrikar

Since signing LEMOA India and US are all geared up for one of the biggest War games in the hills of Uttarakhand. "Yudh Abhyas" in Chaubhattia close to Chinese borders on "Counter Terrorism" will happen between 14th and 27 of this month. Highlight of this exercise is to share tactics,techniques,procedures and Operational experiences. It will Simulate "Counter Insurgency and Counter Terrorism" (CICT) .

   Ever Since the Cold War ended there had been slight shift in India stance viz-a- viz America in allying on case to case basis, like the US Nuclear Civil  deal signed during UPA and parallel'y having excellent relations with Russians as well. LEMOA was one such Initiative of the erstwhile UPA govt and the credit is due to "Pranab Mukherjee" who was Instrumental of this Idea, Just like ManMohan for the US Nuke deal. Finally LEMOA signed by Mr Manohar Parrikar and Ash Carter the Defence Secretary of US.

Logistics Echange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) was long over due ever since it was initiated in the early 2000. With Modi at helm all Important Strategic decision which were in the back burner has been put on Top gear and so far It has been successfully been Implemented.

What is LEMOA - Its a Logistics exchange program which was tweaked to suit India for Logistics Support Agreement "One of the Three"  Foundational Agreements  between US and India. Foundational Agreement is a simple agreement between the 2 countries to build basic ground work and promote "Interoperability" between Militaries to create common standard system for effective efficiency.They also cover sale and transfer of  High end Technology. The Three Foundational Agreements are

  1. LSA Logistics Support agreement
  2. CISMOA Communications Interoperability and Security Memorandum Agreement
  3. BECA Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement.
What made India Sign LEMOA 
  • Growing Chinese Aggression in South China Sea, Aggression shown in OBOR (CPEC), Might push PAK to annexe POK
  • The Dramatic improved relationship between US and India ever since Modi took over, though most of the Co operations started during UPA it never found light.
  • Maritime Collaboration between India and US has increased and India may not be averse to the floated Idea of Joining with Australia,Japan and US to be a formidable Maritime ream to give shape to "Quadrilateral Initiative"
  • India under Modi is aspiring to be a big time player in the International Arena, he is pushing hard for a permanent member in the UNSC
  • By signing this agreement India has the Luxury of accessing US Military facilities.

There are apprehensions about signing LEMOA from certain quarters, One of the Major concern "Russia" Long term Friend and Largest supplier of Arms to India as on date, are they gonna get Irked?. Will American Military be Stationed and the last can the Americans be trusted?.

The Agreement addresses 4 Major areas a) Port Call > Intermediate stop for a Ship on its scheduled journey to Load/Unload Cargo or taking in Supplies or fueling in simple term.. a Friendly town. b)Joint Exercise > War game (simulated) drills to enhance skills of both Nations, c) Training and Humanitarian Assistance > Self explanatory like in the case of Tsunami relief in Srilanka and Nepal Earthquakes. d) Disaster Relief > Again Army rendering services during Disaster crisis. Any other areas apart from the above 4 depends on case to case.

Coming to Russia India's friend will it get Irked? Likely not, India and Russia Just concluded biggest War game in the Rajasthan Desert a few months back, early 2016 Russia had a Joint Military Exercise with Pakistan,apart from lifting Arms Embargo in 2014 imposed on Pakistan so that it could have Arms Deal with Pakistan. Churning's happens everywhere. The Other Concern will US deploy basing,simple "NO" to any basing of US Military in our Territory. But can we trust the Americans? What if Trump leads US in coming days? What if Mother of Terror "Hillary" leads US? The Impact is definitely going to be there as both are Worst of "Evils" bred leaders, so trusting Americans is a little complex thing which India sure would have thought of.

Modi and Obama likely to meet in the sidelines of G20 Summit next week in China I guess, Modi already with his symbolic gesture to Visit Vietnam before the summit sends strong message to China... The New Game has just begun... 


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