PseudoSecular and Fanatics have the last laugh!
As late as Saturday (18th Aug) the Official Version from Bangalore and TN put the NE exodus to a staggering 6000 odd people! Major Causality is Karnataka with the Official Train booking to Guwahati seems to be 4,700 or more! The Commotion, Panic filled with Grief and horror these very Citizens of India were hunted as though they are aliens by a well Orchestrated Rumors! What baffled the State Machinery was the Rumor which started by the evening of 15th August gained Momentum along with ticking of time and Snowballed into deep Crisis by 16th afternoon! What resulted coz of these rumor the whole of India were witnessing to! Every NE member is now hit Economically by this Rumor, they had to leave their Jobs, Studies, Business and above that they had shell out more for the travel back to Assam, Manipur, Mizoram! Many have not collected their Salary nor will they! In effect the Rumor Mongers have crippled the lives of close to 6000 families or more! How did it al...