
Showing posts from January 8, 2012


What is Terror - Terror is to terrorize the Human Man Kind to create Chaos,Panic and cost the Precious Human lives. The Bombs, IED explosives, RDX or any form of the destructive agents do not strike a particular Caste, Creed or Religion. In short the Terror or its implication does not have any  brief to any religion.  And Terrorist should not be categorized as our so called Politicians tend to do for their own Political ends.  Terror in any form should be condemned and should never give a color to it. Unfortunately India the  World largest Pluralistic democracy is under siege because of the Ill fated Politicians who have soft support to the  terror and its activities . What do we need to do ? We need to terrorize the terrorist in an affirmative actions. We need to go after them like the Mossads, KGB and CIA. But the truth is so bitter we give more room to these Terrorist to carry on with their ...


DIsgrace   to Karnataka BJP which defied all Party Norms by Cross Voting to the Pranab Mukerjee in the President Election! These 12 or more BJP MLA's who have little for their Party are nothing but lump of Scums! Worse more is while the BJP Central command has instituted for a Probe the Castiest Corrupt Leader Yedurappa has come out in open and said that Pranab should be elected Unanimously and consensus eluded due to lack of Vision! Though this Gimmick is not to end in the near future! unless of course the Spineless Nitin Gadhkari is sacked along with Yedurappa! BJP would as well Kiss Goodbye to Karnataka for failing their People who had given them the first Opportunity to form a Govt in South India!