
Showing posts from February 5, 2012

NDTV&RAMYA Paid news>She Got More support frm Media than her own Party

Ever since the Actress and Ex-MP of Congress Divya Spandana aka Ramya hitting headlines for Sedition Charges filed by a Private complainant K.Vittal Gowda who is the President of the Kodagu Praja Ranga NDTV dedicated yet a full hour "Annihilation"  against BJP? misuse of Sedition. Ramya as per reports after her visit to Pakistan for the Young Parliamentarians SAARC meet said " Defence Minister said that 'Going to PAK is like going to hell', It is nothing like that, there the people are Just like us and they treated us well". Not sure if her rebuttal warrants a "Sedition" charge, but the statement comes amidst hostile relations between the 2 countries. At the most her Statement coincides with "Congress" outlook on Pakistan.  Much lesser than Mani Shankar Iyer who begged on Pakistan National TV asking for support to overthrow Modi Government, or AK Antony statement on "Kashmir Unrest" cant blame PAK army for t...

Nitin Gadhkari - Leadership

Nitin Gadkari role which Iam critical all along right from Inducting  Kushwaha, handling of corrupt Yedurappa, Inclusion of Sanjay Josh, Mishra in RS and now the Coal Scams! points he has no ability nor the will to take the BJP forward as usual let me chant "Quit Nitin" for the benefit of BJP The writing on the wall is as clear as a blue sky. Yet Many BJP Leaders fail to notice the need for Structural change until it becomes absolutely too late and too little could be done. It's a complex decision for sure with too many riddles, doubts, fears, Insecurity, and even self centric surrounding Nitin and Co. sitting in Delhi. The prevailing Political conditions further add to the uncertainty of the Central Govt falling sooner than later. The Battle lines are drawn clearly for Snap Polls, If BJP still feels not so then the Illusion that the present leaders are in for a big surprise. It is not only the People but all Non Congress Parties and even Congress allies are frustra...

Yedurappa & Swamy's Deal Interesting ?

Yet another time Karnataka Govt had embarrassed the BJP  and the Nation as a whole.  We all are aware  Mr Yedurappa  who was thrown out of the  Chief Minister ' Office of Karnataka in various scandal is still ruling the roost. He is the Proxy Leader for the BJP Govt. The unconditional support from  majority caste of   Lingayats and  supported by  Seers of the Lingayats  ( The religious head)  is the main cause of Arrogance. Yesterday Karnataka hit all time low in the eyes of Nation with 2 consecutive events hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons. State sponsored Rave Party in the name of Musical event (Booze, Drugs and Chicks) Watching Pornographic Clips by the distinguished Ministers during Session @ Assembly. Few Months Back Ram Sena Goon Hoisted Pakistan Flag and tried to blame the Minority ( though the BJP MLA was behind the incident through impartial Probe) Though the thre...