Dhoklam Stand off

Media reports suggests that both China and India are escalating the present stand off in the #Dhoklam by Increasing their ground troops, India in a systematic build up backing the existing battalion sending in a full Brigade of 2000 troops forming the 1st Circle and backing them a further away a second Infantry to respond to any crisis. India is not backing off that's the clear message. How has India Prepared itself against any Chinese Misadventure in terms of Airforce and Missile Deployment apart from the Ground troops. Just an Overview


AirForce  Indian Airforce strengthening the North East Indian borders at a rapid pace, Air Base at Agartala called as China Border so close that a Flight at a speed of 500 miles/hr would cross into China in less than 1 minute,,phew so close..and much closer to Bangladesh border just 2-5 kms away.IAF is prepping up all Airports (Includes   Commercial ) for swift landing of all variety of fighters and Military transport Planes for "Test of Readiness" along the NE states.

Comes close to the heels of India setting up Indian Air Force Base in Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh (AP) one of the Seven "Advanced Landing Ground" (ALG) .The Arunachal Pradesh which has 4 (Ziro, Along, Walong, Mechuka, Pasighat) fully Operational "Advanced Landing Ground" all upgraded with the State of Art standards, remaining 2 at Tuting and Tawang to follow soon.  

All "ALG"s will have Night landing capabilities giving boost to Night Ops along the borders,will also allow Civilian flights  giving a fillip for easier connectivity and enhance tourism to the uneplored North East of India.ALG has the ability to allow landings of the Giants like C130J super Hercules, Globe Master C17 and AN32. India Likely to have 2 more such "ALG" in Ladakh region very soon.. More Power to Indian Air Force.

Today November 22 India's Brahmos was successfully tested on the modified Sukoi-30MKI is a step closer to achieve deep Strike. Individually both Sukhoi and Brahmos are Powerful Weapons and Imagine they coming together.The Sukhoi which has a maximum range of 3000 km and add Brahmos 300 km range,,and India can hit 3300 km inside China.. 

To defend NE of India from any impending mis-adventure of China, India way back in 2011  gave a go ahead for the 4th Regiment of Brahmos to be deployed in Arunachal. The "Three" already raised "Brahmos" regiment have been deployed in our Western borders to counter any Pakistan threat, This deployment in AP initiated in 2011 is fructified after NDA coming to power fast tracked it. 
  • This Aug 2016 PM  heading the Cabinet Committee cleared this 4th regiment of
    Brahmos at a cost of 4,400 crores to Induct and deploy an Advanced Supersonic Cruise Missile  in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • This Brahmos has "Steep Drive Capabilities" with Trajectory Manoeuvre well suited for Mountain Warfare.
  • Each Brahmos regiment consists 100 Missiles, 5 Autonomous Launchers, Mobile Command Post.
  • The Block III variant or "Steep Drive" has a range of 290 kms and flies at 2.8 Mach ( almost 3 times faster than Sound), 
  • Will it be a deterrent to China?
China mouth piece has condemned India's move  warned that it would bring Counter measures from China and a "Negative Influence" to the "Stability" of  border areas. Indian Army hit out back saying " Our threat perceptions and Security concerns are our own, and how we address these by deploying our assets (Brahmos) on our territory should be no one else's concern".
After a Strong Rebuttal from our Armed Force, China forced to retract its angry stand and urged India to do more to reinforce "Stability and Peace" in the border region and it comes from none other than the Chinese Defence Minister Colonel "Wu Qian". The scale down by China is being interpreted by the Chinese Media as Brahmos is a serious threat to "Tibet and Yunnan".

"Agni Missile system"

AGNI Missiles Series has FIVE varying strike range and capabilities,

  1.  AGNI-I  a single stage has a range to strike 1250 kms.

  2.  AGNI-II the range is 2000 kms if launched from strategic position can take away Western,Central and southern China. 
  3. AGNI-III has a range between 3,500 kms to 5000 kms which can take out deep Shangai in China.
  4.  Agni-IV  strike capability of 4000 kms bridges the gap between AGNI I&II with remarkable accuracy which can take apayload of 1 tonne.
  5. Agni-V which is still under testing as per DRDO but the Chinese claims that it is operational and has a range of 8000 kms which can take out whole of China.The best on this Agni-V is that it can carry as many as 10 warheads assigning different targets.
     The number of troops, Squadron of Fighters or Fleet of Ships which Chinese boast of do not give the real story. With heavyweights US,Japan,Australia backing up along with Bhutan and Vietnam China may well have think thousand times before any mis-adventure.


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