Kashmir Unrest- Burning of School no big Issue for Media, Separatists in a huddle

There should be good news soon says the inept Cheif Minister of Jammu & Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti with reference to arrests of few Miscreants (thats how they are labelled) who have burned as many as 30 Schools. Feeble protests for the sake of giving sound bites fom NCP,Congress,Owaisi and the Barkha types are so hollow. The same set went hammer and tongs on the killing of Terrorist Burhan Wani but mute protests against the burning the "Temple of Learning" . 

There is something very sinister going in Kashmir a typical IS style Ops.. burning down the School in a phased manner and in the process slowly recruiting the students into Islamic terrorism to wage war against India.. yet out own Media tango's with these Separatists who are now in a huddle to discuss and enhance their strategy in keeping "Kashmir" unrest and boiling.

The Center plans to stop providing Air tickets,Taxi's and Hotel services during their foreign tours and the same has been conveyed to the State Govt and comply with it. India spends close to 100 crs per year with Center contributing 90% and the State 10%. Center has also advised the State to withdraw Security Cover provided to the Separatists wherein 1000 J&K cops are on duty to guard these Separatists. On the Security Cover the Onus is on the State Govt, knowing the J&K Political Group sure to drag this Issue. Center is also tightening its noose on these Separatists through ED on Illegal funding.

Separatists and Media Tango 
The "Stone Pelters" of  Kashmir have been coined as "Deprived of Economic benefits, Lack of Employment coupled with their  Poverty" in short we would address them as "DEEP".
The Narrative "DEEP" given by our Spin Masters Justifies their actions in a very subtle way through Opinions, Mock debates and in Social Media.. Many bloggers have unmasked and stripped naked the kinds of Journalist like  Rahul kanwal , Barkha Dutt Love for Pakistan  < click to read more on Barka) along with other Usual Suspects that Includes the Infamous Coup theorist Shekar Gupta.. 

Reports from the (South Asian Terror Portal) says 
  • Every Separatist leader has his/her own group of Stone Pelters err DEEP and each one is paid anywhere between Rs.500 to 750 between Monday thru Thursday).. Kinda employment..
  • Friday after the Prayers followed by Anti India Sermons from the Mosque these Deep with PAK/ISI flags create havoc even closing all trading activities and of Course followed by Stone Pelting..for this Special Day each DEEP is paid Rs1000/-
  • In an avg Single DEEP gets paid 3,000/- per week ..all for a few hours of Stone Pelting Work!
  • They aren't Just "Stone Pelters" they also form as Human Shield to the "Grenade Hurlers"
  • Indian Military had flown Drone over the entire funeral Procession for the surveillance and Accurate Photo's taken. With Intel on the ground and Air it was estimated not more than 12,000 attended the funeral of Media Poster boy #Burhan Wani. 
  • Yet  our Media who plays tango with PAK & its Assets here in Kashmir Inflated the number of mourners to 2 Lakh people, whipping up passion as though the entire Kashmir Valley was mourning.. Such is the plight of our Media.
The Media has its own share in the 100 Crore Program of the ISI to keep the Kashmir Pot boiling. #BurhanWani Poster boy for the Media was reportedly Weeping then started crying loud when he knew his end was coming..Such a Coward .. but Burkha Portrayed him as some kind of Hero.

  • But what is Baffling is none of the Media Intellectuals, Apologists to the DEEP has never ever educated them on our Separatist..
  •  Rahul Kanwal should explain how on Earth does all these Separatists Kins stayed away from roads (Stone Pelting)
  • Never ever went to Madrasa Schools 
  • Went on to do their Higher studies and well placed in their respective profession. 
  • And not one of them in "Ground Zero" Oops

Yasin Malik an Ultra Muslim advocate of Islamic  dress code for Indian Muslims but his Wife a Glamarous Lady herself with love for painting erotic,bare-bodied and nude beauties.. On the Left side the centre pic is #Mushaal Hussein

To stop Terrorism the only way is to terrorize the Terrorist..Good Luck Indian Army..  
Related Post Online Terrorism


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