Congress Polarizing Assam?

Its usually the Sycophants toeing the line of their leader... but this time It was Rahul Gandhi taking the cue from Kumari Selja.. Rahul claimed that he was stopped entering the temple by BJP and RSS women.. unfortunately the camera caught him with his pants down where he had smooth entry and was seen inside without any chaos... 

Only shows that Rahul had little or no respects for the Hindu religion's culture hence to avoid any backlash blamed on the Imaginary RSS workers who disappeared later in the day.. how frivolous one can get when all regional Media had covered this episode and exposed Rahul's lie.

On close scrutiny of the lie the undertone remains that Rahul has started to communalize Assam Politics keeping an eye on the upcoming Assembly elections... On One hand he Visits Temple to barge into the Hindu Votes and the other Appeasing Minority by slandering SATRA stating that he was stopped.. Will ASSAM buy his story?

Intolerance < Read 

What do we do with these Morons who just want a reason to start the "Intolerance" issue again . Congress which ran out of reasons after  "Intolerance"  fired a Salvo through a very little known Politician "Kumari Selja"  who fell out from Rahul Gandhi Coterie. 

Barely  a week since the session began this little known Irrelevant even in Congress accused the Government that the the Caste discrimination exists in Gujarat and is still prevalent.. 

Even assuming she isn't lying, as per her own words the Temple in question had asked about her Caste Identity.. Its her words against the Temple Authorities. Despite being asked about her Identity (Caste) she was so magnanimous enough to compliment the Temple and its Authority in the "Visitors Book.

The above said happened in 2013 when she was then the Union Minister in the Congress ruled UPA "Kichidi" Govt..  

Questions to Ponder

  • Was she sleeping then? Why not rase the  Issue in the Parliament and put Govt of Gujarat in a Fix?
  •  Did someone force her to write Complimentary Note?
  • Is it to get back into Coterie system of Rahul Gandhi ?
  • Another Manufactured Problems supported by the likes of Yetchuru, O'Brein and Mayawathi?  

Think its all the above, but the real Issue lies elsewhere... Just during the LokSabha Elections were being held Kumari Selja got allotted to type VIII Bungalow accommodation which was beyond her Entitlement. When NDA served notice to vacate she challenged it in the court giving Political overtones, unfortunately for her the Court rapped her behavior and pulled her up for challenging the notice for Eviction.. This is the real reason for Selja to get worked up and needed a proxy reason to take on the Govt even on the frivolous issue.

Congress needs to do better to counter with solid reasons to stall the growth of India.. Shame on Selja and Congress coming out with Obnoxious so called "happening" . .

Was surprised that as many as 60 Journalist occupying Lutyen's bungalows were also asked to vacate who got those Premises for being loyal stooges to the 10 Janpath ( though this is unverified). If true then the MSM would go hammer and tongs against NDA govt for tearing up the Lutyens Delhi.

All these Issues which are rented out on the daily basis is only to ensure there is no Legislative work done.


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