BJP Woes #Margdarshak Mandal Joins the fray

Do BJP needs to Focus on Development Agenda or Hidutva in the upcoming Polls

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Bitter Fought Bihar elections has come to a Sordid end.. .. its time BJP need to introspect the failure.

BJP dosent have to look for excuses far away.. the down fall started within... In 2014 LS BJP won with thumping majority.. People cutting across the Social divide voted for Modi since  Development  and Governance alone  was only the focus of campaigning across the country..


The Bickering within has started which is not uncommon irrespective of any Party that has suffered the Loss. Its the turn of the BJP Party to face the Music from within..One can wish away saying the lighter scale revolt has come from the Marginalized Leaders lead by L.K Advani along with Murali M.Joshi, Yashwanth Sinha and few others... Though the reality is these Collective Leaders do not have much "SAY" coz they were already on the verge of extinct and have no love for the Modi&Shah duo.. having said that the legitimate demand of theirs cannot be ignored and some heads should roll to fix accountability rather giving clean chit even to the cause that the BJP followers are aware of...

RSS backing Margdarshak ? No sooner the loss leaders frm BJP have pointed fingers at Mohan Bhagwat Ill-timed Caste comments... To escape the wrath and loose more hold on the BJP is RSS backing the Veterans... quiet possible... RSS always into sinister game when it suits them.. though many unofficial reports even before elections that RSS wasnt too happy with Amit Shah ,Modi and Bhagwat's Comment at the prime of Campaign was to put a Speed breaker on the duo which gives little Importance to the RSS than the previous ABV Govt..

Baffling is the #BJP Parliamentary Boards conclusion and its clean Chit..There was no Accountability in the 2009 elections drubbing... dosent mean this time around get away without Accountability fixed.. As BJP has to face quiet a few Assembly elections down the year .. taking congizance of the Margdarshak resntment will only strengthen the BJP and further strengthen the Brand "Modi".

Consolidation of Hindutva Agenda - Phase 4&5

The Strategy to Consolidate the 4th and 5th Phase voters by going on with Hindutva backfired big time.. 4th Phase when compared to the LS where BJP had such a strong hold coz of shifting the strategey from development saw massive erosion of Votes.. thanks to RSS diktat and fringes within .
Phase 5 though dominated by Muslim voters the tally dropped considerably compared to the LS..

Only proves that BJP should stop this Nonsensical strategy of shifting their Agenda on the basis of Community.. rather have one point Agenda on Clean Governance and Development.

If Delhi drubbing can be called as unfortunate the same cannot be said to Bihar as well. Six months prior to the election BJP was in such a strong position that Nitish had to scramble for Partners to take the might of BJP.. So what went wrong.

Internal Bickering and taking away the Campaign from Development to issues unrelated to the welfare of Bihar costed BJP a lot.BJP was in such a precarious position it failed to balance the Hindutva and Development.. Ghar Wapsi, Love Jihad, Beef  did not cut Ice with even Hindu Moderates leave alone other religions. 

 Internal Sabotage

Loose Cannons which gave full ammunition to the MSM to go full guns blazing taking away the Narrative of Modi to the narrative of the Fringe within.

Amit Shah giving a dressing down to some of these Loose Canons among whom Sakshi Maharaj and Sangeet Som are habitual Offenders who had put the Party in a tight spot time and again. But that came too little too late.

    Its time BJP comes down heavily on these fringe within instead defending every moronic act of theirs.

    Adding to BJP woes came in  RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat comment stirring the hornets nest on Caste reservation.. he got the timing all wrong. Not during the campaign..

    Meanwhile Erstwhile BJP Stalwarts Ram Jeth and Arun Shourie gave their piece of mind on the Governance and mishandling of Policies by Modi.. One can understand both who were expecting plump top Job in the PMO  did not even been considered. Satrughan Sinha added more spice to the Opposition.

    Modi and its Govt is fully aware ever since it took its office there would be microscopic scrutiny and frontal assault at the drop of a hat.

    Media was glee as the ball of "Intolerance" set rolling and hence it became an Opportunity for Anti Modi Pathetic's to join as a force to embarrass the PM and the Nation as well... 

    Modi had become Prime Minister not only maneuvering the Opposition,Media but also from few within. He has better acumen in Politics and his decision is much wiser than others.

    BJP which Started as favorite in Bihar has lost Big time. 

    The adverse result in Bihar elections for BJP , Amit & co  dont have to look far .. look within and Introspect before next elections.


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