Yedurappa & Swamy's Deal Interesting ?

Yet another time Karnataka Govt had embarrassed the BJP  and the Nation as a whole.  We all are aware Mr Yedurappa who was thrown out of the Chief Minister' Office of Karnataka in various scandal is still ruling the roost. He is the Proxy Leader for the BJP Govt.

The unconditional support from  majority caste of  Lingayats and supported by Seers of the Lingayats ( The religious head) 
is the main cause of Arrogance.

Yesterday Karnataka hit all time low in the eyes of Nation with 2 consecutive events hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons.

  • State sponsored Rave Party in the name of Musical event (Booze, Drugs and Chicks)
  • Watching Pornographic Clips by the distinguished Ministers during Session @ Assembly.
  • Few Months Back Ram Sena Goon Hoisted Pakistan Flag and tried to blame the Minority ( though the BJP MLA was behind the incident through impartial Probe)
Though the three Ministers who were involved in watching the Porn were asked to quit same  Night and the same has been abide d. These three Ministers are Staunch supporters of Yedurappa.

If going by the Media these shameless Ministers watching Porn during the Assembly not only need to be stripped from the Ministry but also need to put them in their place for the shoddy behavior.

2nd March

Close to the heels of Yedurappa threat on the deadline set to the BJP High Command, following Mr Gadkari Visit and subsequent decision not to bring him into mainstream until his name is cleared from all Scandals there were few of suspecting development which smells as bad as rotten fishes.

  • Karnataka Congress Leaders asking BSY to quit BJP for being Insulted by BJP
  • Karnataka Congress asking BSY to join Congress in fighting BJP together
  • BSY through his proxy planted the story of he joining with Congress
  • Subramaiam Swamy's request to BJP flatly denied on Piravam Assembly
  • Subramaniya Swamy Open letter asking BJP high command to reinstate BSY as CM.
The First three of the above highlighted is a desperate measure by both Congress and Yedurappa to put BJP in a corner. Though you could give the benefit of doubt to Congress as fishing in troubled waters. Whereas Yedurappa he is desperate as BJP had told him clearly any decision only after the core meet somewhere to meet aster the 1st Week of March by the time the Assembly result polls would be out.

Yedurappa knew once if the results are out and in favor of BJP there is very little chance of his comeback. The Porn-Scandal in the Assembly seems to be more of Orchestrated by BSY  and Swamy . These could be a wild guess way out of mark unless one feels there are no  Political espionage in our country. Look at the following before the Porn Gate Scandal
  • Yedurappa totally Ignored
  • Swamy was denied merger of his Janatha Party into BJP (though many months earlier)
  • Swamy request turned down on Kerala Assembly
Despite the suggestion of Nitin Gadkari and Advani to Kerala BJP to leave Piravam Assembly seat to JP, they have refused to do so.

Why should not BJP connect the dots of two desperado's  Yedurappa and Swamy wanted some space back in BJP. As such Janatha Party is finding difficult to  cut Ice with Electorate only survival is a merger which has been ruled out or a back door entry possible through Nitin's Influence or through Yedurappa support. Mr Swamy inspite of repeated snubbing by the BJP has written an Open letter ?( Twitter) asking the BJP to reinstate Yedurappa? citing example of Ramayana? To strengthen BJP? Not to let Congress have an Upper hand in South?
Swamy's letter to BJP.  Not to forget Mr Swamy's Tea Party to dislodge Mr Vajpayee Govt in Association with Ms Sonia Gandhi for his own Political Gains. 

INAC- The movement by Mr Swamy is it only to Prosecute P.C and does it mean he would support Yedurappa  corruption.  Double standard by Swamy is no alien to him. His crusade against PC is also a personal  Swamy Uncovered

Even if the above Conspiracy theories hold no water Mr  Gadhkari keeping BJP's Value, Virtues and hopes of Millions should take the right path of not Inducting any tainted or Ill motivated Political Personality into BJP.

This is the ripe time BJP should have consolidated their strengths and improve upon the regions were they have untapped instead they invite more troubles .

Dragging your feet on Yedurappa, Photo Ops with Swamy !  Either Clean up Karnataka or Mr. Nitin you quit ! lets Jaitley or Sushma take Over!

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