Nitin Gadhkari - Leadership

Nitin Gadkari role which Iam critical all along right from Inducting  Kushwaha, handling of corrupt Yedurappa, Inclusion of Sanjay Josh, Mishra in RS and now the Coal Scams! points he has no ability nor the will to take the BJP forward as usual let me chant "Quit Nitin" for the benefit of BJP

  • The writing on the wall is as clear as a blue sky. Yet Many BJP Leaders fail to notice the need for Structural change until it becomes absolutely too late and too little could be done. It's a complex decision for sure with too many riddles, doubts, fears, Insecurity, and even self centric surrounding Nitin and Co. sitting in Delhi.
  • The prevailing Political conditions further add to the uncertainty of the Central Govt falling sooner than later. The Battle lines are drawn clearly for Snap Polls, If BJP still feels not so then the Illusion that the present leaders are in for a big surprise. It is not only the People but all Non Congress Parties and even Congress allies are frustrated by the Attitude and Policy Paralysis Govt. Most of the Political Parties but BJP are only too willing for a Snap Poll hoping to ride on the Anti-Incumbency factor. Where as the BJP is cooling its heels after the State elections?
  • The electorate  in the 5 States amply demonstrated  that Caste, Religion are not the factors but Governance and Corruption are the core Issues. We had seen in Goa Dominated by Christian Majority given a chance to BJP only coz of Corrupt Congress.
  • In spite of Hindutwa Ideology and late resurgence by Khanduri BJP was not given a convincing Mandate coz of the corruption. High time BJP thinks in terms of Development and Identifying Corrupt  BJP Govts. 
  • The Mandate in UP forced BJP  to go into shell as the Uppercaste Votes had dropped considerably.

Lack of Leadership Qualities

  • Personal accomplishments for Nitin should not be the priority rather go by the present Populous chorus of Mr Modi for PM. 
  • Instead Nitin is beating around the bush and shuffling leaders and show to the world that he is running another secular party by avoiding Modi?
  • There is no second Opinion Mr Arun Jaitley is an excellent speaker and a good Parliamentarian but his speech can not reach any farther than the Parliament, People do not even see him as their future leader. If at all Nitin is to substantiate that Projecting Mr Modi would have a backlash then he is only trying to reason out his Interest.
  • Yet day in and out BJP keeps telling there is no possible third front? how naive a party can become? If that is so there is a clear strategy to keep Modi out of the National camp not only to satisfy some of its allies but to their own Interest and growth. 
  • If this is the strategy BJP takes, it  would only form a Coalition Govt yet again people are going to be punished. 
  • Inducting 1 Man Party into NDA  (Janata Party) as a move to strengthen the Coalition., which only shows the leadership quality of Nitin.
  • Inclusing Swamy in NDA shows his lack of Vision.
  • All the Major Decision taken by Nitin proves he has less expertise, inability to take the support of the other BJP leaders, inability to cultivate relationship with Mr Modi and inability to cultivate relationship between Mr Modi and other BJP leaders sitting in Delhi warming the chair.

Fiasco in Coal Deal call#4 
also if to go about the various Mining Scam episode Nitin has an indirect connections in Chattisgarh, MP and in Uttarkhanad.   Post on Coal Scam!

Fiasco of Mishra courtesy Nitin Gadhkari call#3

Even before any Introspection on the collective failure of the Nitin and Co in the UP and Jarkhand election could be diagonised there was another Opprurtunity for Nitin in the form of Rajya Sabjha Nomination in Uttarakhand. Without any Surprise Nitin yet again without missing the Oppurtunity as usual approved, one Mishra against the wish and will of other BJP leaders (Parliamentary board Members) Nitin went on ahead in doing a backdoor deal for Mishra on the Rajyasabha nomination. Several leaders, including the former Union Minister, Yashwant Sinha, and the former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Shanta Kumar, virtually questioned the style of functioning of party president Nitin Gadkari. Fire fighting the literal show down  L.K. Advani presented the  sentiments to Nitin who was forced to back down on his decision, resulting in the withdrawal of the supposedly candidate Anshuman Mishra (who alleegdly bought 6 MLA at the behest of Nitin). Mr Mishra has an alleged dubious record of siphoning huge money as well as  being an Intermediary person in operating large sums of Black Money in the Swiss bank. He is also been accused of funding certain BJP leaders. He has gone on record saying Yashwanth Sinha is disgruntled man (Arrogant comment) went on to say he would withdraw his nomination only if the Leader of BJP Nitin asks him so.

Mr Swapan Das Gupta  Article , A must read BJP embarassed by blabbering brat 

 Fiasco of Yedurappa courtesy Nitin Gadhkari call#2  

Yedurappa the most corrupt in BJP has been given a long rope by Nitin Gadhkari some of the below links referring to Yedurappa might as well give an Insight of this Caste based Politician.
Fiasco of  Kushwaha Induction call#1  
Just on the eve of UP election the tainted and thrown out Health Minister of BSP Mr Kushwaha joined BJP from nowhere, Many eyebrows raised when People are talking of BJP going against corruption, they had to do some face saving excercise because of the most stupidiest decision Nitin Gadkari took, Was there a larger picture unseen or untold

Mr Nitin needs to understand Leadership is not about personal excellence but to heed the words of Masses and promote the Leaders who are expected to do better Job than you Mr Nitin. 

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