NDTV&RAMYA Paid news>She Got More support frm Media than her own Party

Ever since the Actress and Ex-MP of Congress Divya Spandana aka Ramya hitting headlines for Sedition Charges filed by a Private complainant K.Vittal Gowda who is the President of the Kodagu Praja Ranga NDTV dedicated yet a full hour "Annihilation" against BJP? misuse of Sedition.

Ramya as per reports after her visit to Pakistan for the Young Parliamentarians SAARC meet said " Defence Minister said that 'Going to PAK is like going to hell', It is nothing like that, there the people are Just like us and they treated us well". Not sure if her rebuttal warrants a "Sedition" charge, but the statement comes amidst hostile relations between the 2 countries. At the most her Statement coincides with "Congress" outlook on Pakistan. 

Much lesser than Mani Shankar Iyer who begged on Pakistan National TV asking for support to overthrow Modi Government, or AK Antony statement on "Kashmir Unrest" cant blame PAK army for the current crisis.

NDTV known for consistent crusade against Mr Modi, yet again picked the thread of a Statement issued by Ramya that she wont Apologize and wanted Sedition law to be repealed with immediate effect which curtails the Freedom of Speech and being misused by Modi to Oppress the Opposition and being Intolerant.

Summarizing, a private Complaint by unknown K.Vittal Gowda which has not been taken up by the Courts, No Charge or FIR filed, happened in Congress ruled Karnataka, wonder where did Modi and BJP Govt come into the News. This Vittal Gowda has little or no connection with any of the BJP affiliate Organization leave alone BJP. 

NDTV went Gaga all over about sedition charge being misused conveniently highlighting JNU Issue alone, with selective Amnesia coming in leaving out Congress Karnataka slapped Sedition against Amnesty India and repealing it by giving a clean chit to the same after Digvijaya interference. 

Much worse Ramya did not find any support from Rahul Gandhi or from Congress Official Spokesperson Randeep Surjewala in this regard except from NDTV which took up the crusade for 2 days in a row during Prime Slot. This explains a lot on the Paid/Planted news to bring Ramya into Focus on the National Scene.

Worse is the BJP Spokies at the drop of the hat are always present in these Peddlers studios whether it concerns BJP or not, When Majority of the Nation knows how NDTV is running amock with Paid and Planted news Irony the BJP Spokesperson's never understood till date. 

This whole yet another campaign has been re-initiated and BJP are Just walking into it. The ever Enthusiastic ABVP which rightly agitated against Amnesty had just taken the bait and walked to the well laid trap. What Should have been a personal fight between K.Vittal Gowda and Faded Politician Ramya is at the door steps of PMO as per the News traders Ndtv. Just like Intolerance, Beef, Vermula, Kanhaiya, Cow Vigilantes, Stone Pelters now Sedition all begs Modi being responsible.

The Whole episode of Ramya stinks,,looks more of a paid or planted news in coordination with NDTV, Some needs Answer which none of the News has reported.
  • Ramya who lost her election in 2014 is not an MP.
  • The recently concluded Young Parlimentarians SAARC meet in Pakistan was attended by 3 member MP delegation led by Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo of BJD the other two are Alok Tewari of SP and DeviSingh Patel. Nowhere in the Govt release has Ramya's name.
  • She was in the 7th SAARC Delegation in the 2013.
Is she airing her 2013 visit of PAK, If so why after 3 years? Known for her feud within Karnataka heavy weights Ambreesh and the CM Siddaramaiah, also known to be "Very close" to Rahul is she trying to "Milk" her way up in the Karnataka Politics? and this grand "Leftist" comment on Pakistan gave her the exact leverage she was looking at to get the required attention she needed much after falling off the radar of the Local Congress and how much NDTV helping Ramya in rediscovering herself en route maul Modi yet another time! 

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