PseudoSecular and Fanatics have the last laugh!

As late as Saturday (18th Aug)  the Official Version from Bangalore and TN put the NE exodus to a staggering 6000 odd people! Major Causality is Karnataka with the Official Train booking to Guwahati seems to be 4,700 or more! The Commotion, Panic filled with Grief and horror these very Citizens of India were hunted as though they are aliens by a well Orchestrated Rumors! What baffled the State Machinery was the Rumor which started by the evening of 15th August gained Momentum along with ticking of time and Snowballed into deep Crisis by 16th afternoon! What resulted coz of these rumor the whole of India were witnessing to!

Every NE member is now hit Economically by this Rumor, they had to leave their Jobs, Studies, Business and above that they had shell out more for the travel back to Assam, Manipur, Mizoram! Many have not collected their Salary nor will they! In effect the Rumor Mongers have crippled the lives of close to 6000 families or more! 

How did it all Start! let us go by the dates   

  •  On the first day of the Monsoon Session 8th August , MIM  chief and MP Owaisi on the floor of the Parliament "I warn the Central Govt, I warn the honorable members, If the Proper rehabilitaion does not take place you must be ready for a third Wave of Radicalisation among Muslim youth"
The above quote from this fanatic can be Interpreted in plain English as "If the Violence against     Illegal Immigrants by the Bodos continue and if there are any plans to deport them then the Indian Muslim youth will take up Terrorism" 

But the reality is Illegal Immigrants have chased out the Ethnic Bodos and have occupied as close to 75,000 Acres (official Assam State Govt figure) going by the credibility of both the State and the Centre the figure could be multi fold!

  • ***** The Mumbai Violence 11th Aug,  which Many including the IB and the UPA govt claims that the Arson was the resultant of "Morphed Contents" that had been circulated on the said day at Azad Maidan which resulted in 2 deaths more than 75 Injured, Cops beaten up, Female cop Molested, Rifles and Pistol Snatched, Scores of Ammunition were also taken away! As per IB, State and the Central Govt the so called "Morphed Content" which was mistook by the Crowds Assembled in Azad Maidan to be the killings of Illegal Bangladeshi Muslims provoked the peace loving crowds falling prey to the Mischief Mongers!

The reality is the same Content was Proved to be Morphed by none other than a Pakistan IT wiz kid by the Name of "Faraz Ahmed" as early as July 1st Week! Faraz Ahmed not only found the Images Morphed sensing there is brewing situation gonna happen in India he had alerted Indian Media who had in turn reported to our Intelligence!

If at all the Peace loving Crowd got into Violence coz of this Morphed content no one is buying that story other than the Media whore house! To substantiate the claim

  1. IB had warned State Govt that Orchestrated Violence are to happen, Despite Permission for a couple of thousands there were Inputs that more than 30,0000 people would Assemble.
  2. CCTV footage shows Mobilistion of Armed people were Assembling systematically.
  3. Top cop caught on Camera on shouting down one of his subordinate not to Arrest anyone.
  4. Out of the 17 Fanatics on the Dias ,  Maulana Niyamat Noori, Guddu Bhaiyya, Maulana Aktar Ali and Maulana Amanulla Barkati are suspected to have made provocative speeches from the stage  Yet the Police are to act on these Morons,
  5. Finally Mumbai police conceded that they had recd Intelligence yet failed to assess the Situation.
In effect Fundamentalist were given a free run in Mumbai ! Not surprising when even Parliament is giving a free run to them! Irony is Muslim Countries like Bangladesh,  Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, have not only refused asylum to Roghinya Muslims from Burma they have also stopped any Humanitarian support! Whereas in India People advocating to influx the Roghinya Muslims and the stand out among them is Owaisi and Walter Fernandez! Both toe a similar line saying the same sympathetic accommodation shown to Bangladeshi Muslims is to be extended to Roghinya as well!

Various theory that are still doing rounds is Provocative Blogs, Morphed Pictures, Abusive SMS, Threatening MMS are the reasons slated for the Rumors! Latest one to do is the PAk hand in all these Blogs,SMS,MMS.

As per expert in one of the Cyber strategy and Analysis from NTRO have gone on record saying that IM and SIMI are experts in IT , They justify by saying that " NTRO were not able to trace the email sent by IM after serial blasts 2007-2008. Also ISI is not that foolish enough to be a part of this Upfront Cyberwarfare which in anyway India would get to the bottom of it so ISI would rather be Indirect by using the sleeper cells of Simi and IM operating from Hyderabad! Not to left behind PFI operating from Kerala could also be under scanner! Though PFI does not enjoy Patronage of ISI as SIMI or IM.

The SMS's an MMS which might have Originated from Hyd was spread in Bangalore by Muslim youth goes by Police record as Aneesh Pasha who owns a Mobile shop! He along with 6 other Persons were largely responsible for sending the threat Messages! Though a Massive hunt is on for the others, it is believed among them is a couple of IM sleeper cells who were from Hyd! yeah the home town of Owaisi!

NTRO has also made it clear that SMS and MMS cannot be sent from Pakistan! to put in a nut shell the Rumors may be Masterminded by the ISI but the Panic was all set on roll by the Indian Muslim fanatics!

What is very clear is that the Central Govt is so keen not to point fingers on the homegrown Terrorists rather take a easy way out by blaming PAK. Does it do any good in pointing fingers at Pak. We all know the result of 26/11 Massacre and thereafter Volumes of dossier being given! yet PAK as usual in the denial Mode! So what could be the other reason for the Govt to take the spotlight away from the local terrorist one can safely assume it is a Political Vote bank! 

If we dig a little deeper many more theories can be worked out but all centric to Vote Bank and corruption! Media full attention is drawn to Pakistan there by taking off the spotlight from some of the key Issues!
  • Owaisi Speech which could lead a Privilege Motion
  • Mumbai Violence
  • Local Terror IM and SIMI
  • CAG report on Coal Scam
Karnataka which is ruled by BJP is one fragile state, One may suspect there could be hand in glove with Central Machinery to create chaos! Hope that angle Iam proved wrong! 

Added to the Rumor Mongers there were two such groups who wanted to hog the spotlight in the commotion!

The first one was Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena on the 15th August who Inadvertently posted ( have a Screen shot) that Fatwa as been Issued against NE People! This little know Extreme Right wing outfit more often than not causes much embarrassment to the Sangh! Adversaries integrate them to RSS branch! Though on the subsequent post they had posted helpline numbers! Damage was already done! They could do wonders to themselves and to RSS if they dont brag about their so called Nationalist Ideas in the Issues were they are not concerned!

The second one is from NE Walter Fernandez! dont go by the name he is neither a German nor a Portuguese he is just a convert! He writes Emails to the NE people in Bangalore stating that Hindu Groups are responsible for the Rumors! He had also posted the Bhagat Singh Posts in his Email! He calls himself a specialized in the study of NE! But he more known for Mass Conversions!

The above two wanted to hog the limelight in the trying times just for their own ends and popularity!

Despite the Mayhem many in the Social Media have silently but strongly showing their Dissent to the Pseudo secular Politicians, Religious hatred Fanatics and Biased Main stream Media! Also need to appreciate the culture in the Social Media were they verify any Sensitive news before they share it! These kinda people who are the real Nationalist, who put their Country first and Religion and Politics later! Though Many Muslims are on the same league alas because of few Individuals the Muslim community is at the receiving end!

The only way many see as a solution is a change in Govt at the Centre which compromises the Sovereignty of the country for its survival!  


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