Nitish Kumar's Future

Now that Nitish had won the Bihar election heading the Grand Alliance with 178 out of 243 Assembly seats more than any Pollsters have predicted..  It beats the logic and thinking of Voters preference to Lalu who Scored 80 seats over JDU's  71 in the midst Congress too had benefited increasing its tally substantially.

Nitish has literally decimated the Opposition in Bihar.. worrying factor though the Govt would be directed from behind the Scene by Lalu, going by his track record this might may end up as a disaster to Bihar.

What it means to Nitish outside Bihar? This Grand Alliance has given a new dimension to other Regional Satraps to cozy up with Opportunistic smaller Parties irrespective of their Ideology and not to forget Congress would be one such playing 2nd or 3rd fiddle in the respective alliance..

Nitish made no bones of his ambitions to become a PM candidate.. but Nitish alone is not in the race. there is Mulayam d Wily Old one, Mamata and  of course Incapable Rahul Gandhi eyeing for the PM post. There is already concerted effort from AAP projecting Nitish as possible PM candidate for the next LS elections though too early none contested this effort as of now.. In Politics even a Week can change the scenario in no time.. 4 more years thats too far away and speculating on Nitish future in the National Scene is a futile excercise..

Meanwhile BJP needs to Introspect its loss with all earnest unlike (AK Antony reports) mend its way and move forward BJP woes

This Election gives a clear signal that it would be  Modi vs Rest which will follow in all other States.. . and the next Lok Sabha elections as well

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