Illegal Immigrants! Justifications- Analysis

Till  the Month of April when the rest of the Country as usual going through Corruption.Crime,Rape as Normal as ever Delhi was Overwhelmingly Leading the rest of the Country by a large Margin! Many took in to their stride the serious offence that were committed in the capital under the very Nose of Sheila Dixit! Yes fondly remembered as CWG Kingpin Scamster! Though Many Media covered the Atrocities Sheila was as usual plotting for her Growth and her Son through the Kitchen Cabinet of Sonia!

Sheila who is Camera shy after CWG fiasco asked the Police to handle the Media ( Most likely IPS ) , which would be justifying the Police action err inaction and efforts to curb the said Incidents! But around April Sheila's ruling land Delhi had witnessed a sudden spurt of Rape, Molestation, Kidnapping at an alarming rate! This was brought to the attention of the Home Minister who in turn very rightly asked the Media this should be directed to the Delhi Govt as it relates to Governance! ( PC and Sheila share nothing but hatred )!

This forced Sheila to come out with Public Press Conference! Summarizing them : Delhi has Porous Capital! Migrants from North East come to thrive at our Expense and Commit these Crimes! Some sneak into Delhi commit the Crimes and get back to their States! Enroute she takes a Dig at the Home Minister (Police is not with US)  Video Interview Given to HT  >>>  Sheila Comments on Migration !

 If she accuses her Own Country Citizens are crossing borders (Inter State)  which causes Law and Order Problem in the Land! Then her Party Stand on the Assam Issue ! Where Millions have Illegally Immigrated to India! These Immigrants are given a Red Carpet Welcome! Given Identity ! Given Land that belongs to the Ethnic Indians !

The above Mentioned are just a few Errors that the Indian Govt have been doing for Decades, starting from Indira Gandhi Period!

One could recall the ULFA (Arms struggle ) against Illegal Imigrants!  which was created and operating from Bhutan then came into a force to reckon with for the BSF and Military! Was is it not the Failure of Indira Gandhi who had failed on the first Place to stop the Menace of Illegal Migrants! If that had been done ! ULFA now an extremist Org! is threatening the very Security of the India Joining hands with Chinese, Maoist and ISI,. Indira Gandhi also takes the Credit of Strengthening the Naxals against NTR, Khalistan against the Akalis! Bindranwale was Groomed in 1978 by the Blessings of Indira Gandhi, Zail Singh and Sanjay Gandhi, LTTE Another Monster which received Arms, Training, Intel Input! Though it came back in a big way to consume her Son!  Look at the Frankenstein Monsters Indira Groomed!

Later came the Puppet Rajeev Gandhi who was a tool to the Many Stalwarts like ML Fotedar, GK Moopanar, Amar Singh and George.  He was incapable of taking any correct decision at the Right time! Assam which had been asking for a Secured place right from Indira Period had little hope with this Moron "Rajiv" who was lying through his teeth on Accepting the Genuine concerns of the BODOS!

BODOS were made to believe that they would be given the Status of the Union Territory which would be called as "Mishing Homeland"! All the way the 8th largest Ethnic Tribe of India believed him and diluted their Agitation and were infact celebrating for not only the Status of UT but also the other demands of stopping Infiltration by Fencing the Vast Border! ( you could find reference in Ethnic Unrest in India and her Neighbours) ! No one Knew till date why Rajiv backed down! He categorically denied any State land or Union Territory! Thus formed the Militant Outfit National Democratic Front of  "Bodoland" ! Yet another Frankenstein following his Mother!

This Post is not about the Riots, bloodsheds, Killings, Lootins, Arsons, Communal Violence because I see this as the byproduct of the certain Measures and Decisions (Mentioned in the above Paragraph) that were not taken !  The following few representations would give readers fair Idea without getting into details!

Bodos  Arguments : If Nagas, Mizos , Arunachal ( tribes includes Gharos Khasis and many more) have Statehood why not Bodoland which is far Numerically Superior! Well not many can brush away the Bodo claim! could they! Some of the NE researchers findings are Given below which might help the readers to draw their own conclusions!
NAGALAND - 95% Christianity
Mizo               - 91% Christianity
Arunachal      - There is no Common Religion, Large chunk follow Bhuddism (Influence of China) equally large number follow Christianity! Some tribes Practices both! But Many are converting or have converted to Christianity.

We have just seen the Religions of the three Statehood which has More or less only tribes but with lesser Numerical Value than the Bodos! What is the Composition of Bodo's Religion! CLose to 90% Hinduism, 10% Christianity! As per govt census on Religion you have hardly any Muslims? Thats the cache isnt it!

The Only way Assam Gnana Parishad can be defeated is only thru bogus Voting! And this is why Rajiv Gandhi denied their Statehood! Allowed Infiltration for their Petty Politics (To Vote out AGP) ! to know more on AGP read >> ASSAM GANA PARISHAD.

The Politics in India especially Practiced by the Congress is so disgusting! It only shows they could compromise on the Indian Sovereignty for their own Ends!

As far as I see there is no Solution to the Crisis in ASSAM as long as Congress is at the Centre!

Corruption, Caste, Communalism, Corruption, Conmanship the synonym of the letter "C" also coincides with the first letter of  "Congress"!


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