Amazing Politicians-09/09/12

The Gimmick by the Indian Political Parties are a great Amusement to the Large Population of the Indians! Though sometimes their act brings in inhumane and atrocious Act ! The Inconsistency in their stand very often makes one wonder what is their true Intentions for the development of the Nation! Senior Political observers can come out with only a handful of Political Names when it comes to a complete Clean Image holder! Such is the state of the Politicians these days!


We always dramatically represent in our thinking that all "Terrorist" are masked and carry latest version of Assault Kalashinov! That is because we are shown that is the way a "Terrorist" looks! Here is Someone who defies the thinking  Go ahead click on ,,,,

Those above Pictures would explain more than a few words in this post! Im not going to dwell on the Monster for his blood hunting serial Offending on large scale. In any State Govt the Local Intelligence which has Crisis Management looks into the Mob crowd, leading the Mob, Mobilization, Mobs strategy, their Antecedents these are the routine exercise the State Police has to be accounted for when a Protest is being Organised! Alas Patnaik Govt which has a clean Image  so far cutting across Party lines failed miserably to read the situation. In one of the Gruesome Photo where the Lady cop is being assaulted none of her Colleague is in the Vicinity! She was left alone to defend herself! Im at loss of words for the inability to handle such a feeble crowd numbering upto 3000 only! Imagine something like Azad Maidan few weeks back with strong 50K assembling for the Protest in Odisha! Imagine the Intensity of large scale violence that would have errupted! Condemning Hitler "Tytler" goes without saying! But Naveen should take a leaf out of his fathers friend Jaya in handling these Morons! No great buff of Jaya,  yet she is no Nonsense leader when it comes out to a situation like this, she would tramp all over them. 
Irony this Inhumane Monster as called for another bandh tomorrow for the excessive behavior of the  Policemen! Naveen should show that he is not a Coward, Spineless Politician like the rest, comedown heavily, never mind even if it burdens you for the rest of your life for a few killings (afterall these mortals are no good souls) , you may have to live with human activists & NGO critics that gets compensated that no Terror group would be given a free run in your State. 

20 Aug 2012, Beni Prasad Verma Union Minister for Steel from Brain drain Congress Party has made out of box Comment! He says the Prices of Atta, Vegetable, Dal have become expensive , the more the Prices its better for farmer! Not stopping there he further added he is happy with the Inflation! Either he is Ignorant on the Economy or he is just Pathetic like Rahul! This week trend setter is Beni Prasad Verma. Little tit bit he was Originally from Mulayam Singh SP ! No wonder his head is bankrupt ! Can have a "Tolet"  board in his forehead!

Current Trending Politicians from the BJP Quarters are LK Advani, Nitin and Modi 

My earlier blog on BJP ended in a suggestion that there should be a Chorus for "NAMO" as PM (Modi wins the battle )than an occasional chant had finally fell into the ears of the RSS which had major say in the administration of BJP!. The RSS known for continuance Interference in the BJP is no secret and its no bigger secret that its attitude towards Vajpayee and Advani! Though Vajpayee in the eyes of many is more moderate and Rational the same cannot be said about Advani! He is the Towering leader for the BJP after Mr Vajpayee but he should be accused for his mis adventure of the Demolition of Babri Masjid despite a firm "No" from ABV! yet the defiant Advani went ahead just like these TV Morons for a TRP ratings!  The same Mr Advani who did all Gimmicks to stall the growth of Nitin gets back his own Medicine!

Though Mr Advani comments on the Party is a just a playback of the same content expressed by his BJP adversary Mr Ram Jethmalini, he should have not gone public but he has little options to do as BJP time and again have not utilized any opportunity to upgrade itself as a National Party! What is appalling is BJP time and again seems to get associated with Corruption in Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh! Though I hold no brief to Mr Advani yet I fully endorse his contents when the whole Nation wants an altenate Corrupt free Govt BJP is not there for the Nation! My Personal take for Better BJP is that RSS should totally desist itself in the Party matters and carry on its Good work for the Society that is currently pursuing it! LK Advani blogs BJP's dirty linen

 The RSS which finally had to bend over cause of the defiant Mr Modi's stand on Non Participating in any of the BJP events added to the Populous chants that NaMo the "PM"is getting across India marked the exit of their man "Sanjay Joshi". Finally RSS has to accept that Mr Modi is a better future Asset for RSS and BJP in particular on a longer run! Significantly Nitin who had differences with Mr Modi has been given a go ahead for the second term but with a rider! Since many of his decisions in the last 6 months had gone against the Interest of BJP the rider has to be there for no more unilateral Goof -ups! Nitin-Leadership

The ever waiting PM Mr Advani has predictably has sulked by the Decisions of RSS on Modi and Nitin (extension)! and it was quite predictable Mr Modi who was mired within BJP has come out stronger also has upset Sushma plans! Though these are very petty Issues that are there in every party! The sooner they burry the difference better for the BP and the Nation!
BSY Till last week this Man from Karnataka who had lost all hope of getting himself reinstated as the CM was strategicaly working an Exit plan from the BJP. He had lost all hope in the form of any help from Neither the Nitin nor the Sushma camp! He was targeting Advani for the different camps within BJP in Karnataka! Suddenly did a turnaround and Voiced that the Modi is the "Man" for the next PM! Through his comments he might be trying to get back his lost ground and further strengthen his hold! He has also announced to participate on the final day of the National council meet of the BJP! How much Mr Modi is gonna buy his BSY support theory needs to be seen!
Ironically both Advani and Sushma are not going to be available in the ending session rally of the BJP which would show cause its strength! Though MSM are trying to blow this small rift into a big Issue one can understand the plight of Advani but not Sushma! She is a good Parliamentarian but not a crowd puller neither is Nitin! High time these leaders Advani Suhma and Nitin shed out their ambiguity sooner and work in tandem to help Mr Modi to resurrect the nation "India"

  • In 1991 Swamy Associated with Ms Sonia to bring down Vajpayee Govt ! only to stall any further Progress of Bofors Investigations! today we find this Man calling Ms Sonia as Vishkanya?
  • In 1991 Ms Jayalalitha Associated with Sonia is now moving closer to NDA! Vajpayee, Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and Jayalalitha
  • Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav affectionately known as the founder of "Goonda Raj" was up against Ms Sonia , when she wanted to become the PM in 1999.
  • Mr Mulayam Singh Yadhav saying  It was a Mistake to support COngress
  • In 2012 UP election the country witnessed the spew of Venom by both Rahul Gandhi and Akilesh yadav against Each other!  Rahul Gandhi tore Congress leaders' list, not SP promises
  • COngress which was up against BSP and SP in the UP has now embraced both the Parties through its external ARM (CBI).
  • Left which was the Main Partner in the UPA-I is now in the Opposing Camp!
  • TMC which is the 2nd largest Partner in the UPA-II is now a persistent Problem for the Centre!

With the coming Presedential Poll ( Though nothing drastically gonna change the country) it had become more of an Ego clash between the Titans! If someone thinks the "Titans" referred as "BJP" you are sadly mistaken! The UPA and the Regional heavy weights! Many wonder what happened to the BJP supposedly to be the Major Opposition! How are the Number game is advantageous to the Congress! 

You dont need any Micro analysis on the goof ups of the BJP in the UP elections which had resulted in the Congress gaining the Upper hand in the Parliament!
  • Despite Congress in the backfoot giving a Golden opportunity to the BJP in a platter! It did little or nothing to consolidate its position! thereby giving a Huge Majority to SP which is now a hindrance!
  • Despite Congress playing Communal Card! BJP refused to take it as an opening and bringing in Mr Modi for the campaigning! result BJP lost 2% of the Upper caste Votes!
 As of now the SP is an Official Partner of UPA-II thereby it does not need to worry over the consistent threat of Mamta! All the threats are now in the drain! Had Mamta pulled the Govt down before UP elections! Probably India could have seen the light within a year! 

Alas it is too late for Mamta and India for any near hope! Though many looking for a viable alternate Power Centre it remains to be seen how BJP pulls up its socks! rearrange the distorted camps in order! Work as per the aspirations of the people without factionalism and face the next General election! 

Till such time people can keep blogging , tweeting and posting messages on the failure of the UPA-II  afterall we people are not the ones to decide the strategy of pulling down this Govt! Neither we people can induce any sense to the reluctant BJP  which is fast loosing its base to the Regional Players!

As Mr Swamy tweeted (do not take it seriously any of his tweets) he had anticipated the disintegration of the Congress and the BJP some 20 years back! He feels his predictions are coming true ( Is Nitin aware of his tweets who made Mr Swamy a part of NDA) ! Also Swamy feels that an alternate Hindu Ideology Party would take the centre stage replacing Congress and BJP ( First he has to get a symbol recognised)! and he has high hopes on the Virtual followers!

To wrap it up there is no dearth of Amazing things happening in the Indian Politics! and one such event is the Presidential Poll though there were anticipated stiff competition! It seems Sonia and co may sail through! We all wish the Next President "Happy tours and travel around the Globe" at our expenses! 

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