SWAMY&Congress Allianz

Just yesterday I wrote a Blog on Subramaniyam Swamy the so called crusader of Corruption. Before I go any further first I need to thank all the vibrant young Indians who had supported him whole heartedly hoping they would be Vindicated by crucifying the Corrupt. Also need to stress that not only these supporters of Swamy also many other Indians who were not aware the Intricacies of Legal system also felt let down by the Verdict.

Yes many of us including me don't have much exposure to legality but not Mr Swamy who's passion is all about cases against his ever changing foes. He was much aware than even the best paid lawyer in this country on the intricacies of Law, thanks to his Intellectual and knowledge. People in Tamil Nadu who follow Cricket or Politics follow with Passion , when it comes to Politics you can find no better Library than reading Magazine from Mr Cho Ramaswamy.

Coming to the Crux ever since Mr Swamy initiated the 2 G case many like me who knew his antecedents in Politics felt there was something fishy. He wasnt in my books a true Nationalist else he would not have brought down Mr Vajpayee Govt holding hands with Ms Sonia (Christened by him as Antonio or something). Let us get down to some theories.

  • ANNA movement was given so much Pressure by IT, CBI and various external hands of Congress
  • ANNA was arrested hoping that would deter him from any progress in the fight against corruption.
  • ANNA bashing was 24x7 in some Channel right from every Congress. 
But when it came to Subramaniyam Swamy the congress leaders never even bothered to acknowledge him you could say either Congress never took him seriously or there was already a backdoor deal between Congress and Swamy.

By no stretch of Imagination Congress will take him lightly coz they took ANNA in such a strong force collectively. So they gave a free run to Swamy to take away the Main Person who had swallowed the Scam in 2G to a relatively weaker case of PC. Mr Swamy sought the limelight and all the Media gave him the space and in the Process the above mentioned Patriots of this country hoping for Alternate to ANNA ( as MMRDA meet failed excellent move by Congress to shift the date) fell for this Messiah Mr Swamy. He had exploited the youth of this country by passionate Tweet and Interview and all along Congress never even bothered to comment on his so called evidence of Sonia,s Birth, Education, DLF funding of Vadora, 10,000 cr Bank account in Caymen Island. 

If it had been Maliferous  attempt by Mr Swamy in accusing the highest Member of Congress what would have been the natural reaction from them, they would have dragged him to the court but there was no response. By going after P.Chidambaram for whom I dont hold any breif I could only see Mr Swamy;s Personal Vendetta rather than corruption for more read  Swamy-Uncovered

Even in case as Mr Swamy's claim were to be true he should have gone ahead in Prosecuting Sonia rather than chasing the wrong Goose. 

This only exposes how Swamy not only subverted  the Main Accused in 2G Scam but also silenced the mood of the Nation from ANNA Movement.

This could not have been possible if not for a grand Allianz between the Congress and Mr Swamy, this had given a better Ammo for the weakened Congress to brag in the UP election that it was DMK alone responsible for the 2 G Scam.

DMK deserves much more if it dosent severe its ties with Congress then the huge Scam would be in their laps and this would find a logical End as Bofors found it.
The Bofors Cover up which took place in the Chandrasekhar Govt which went all against the CBI chief to go soft the then  Swamy was the LAW Minister in Chandrasekhar Govt  had a major role to play

We are being manipulated , Swindled, look like Idiots because they have Power, Worse the Party which  I support BJP woke up only after ANNA movement.

As far as my limited knowledge in Politics the only case filed by Mr Swamy which "might' come to Prosecution is the one against Miss Jayalalitha, In all other case they found a quick burial. With respect to Jayalalitha he wasnt consistent either for more read She(Jayalalitha) owes her political existence to me!

As far as Iam concerned he is only comparable to Miss Teesta always looking to fish in troubled waters. Though Mr Swamy is very Intelligent unfortunately Teesta lacks brains at all. 

We have known for his distruction of Parties, Friends, Foes, Governments in my book he cannot be a loyal Indian,  his Pro Americano stand and creating unrest in Society will not take him very far. 

If Mr Nitin Gadkari wakes up and consciously avoid Mr Swamy, then Mr Gadhkari would be doing great Service to BJP. His remark on He(Vajpayee) prevented me from becoming a member of Morarji's cabinet !

I dont have any complaint in Mr Swamy joing Yoga Guru BABA Ramdev as long as they dont come anywhere near BJP. All his association with RSS to woo the Hindu votes is also bogus as he felt RSS is his arch enemy for more read 'They (RSS) wanted to finish me off but I am indestructible!'

Any one who follows Politics after his exile in 1999 he cannot even once win an election sometimes he never contested an election. He dosent have a great plan for his party where will he have plans for the People of India.

People should differentiate between Honest ANNA movement and Person like Mr Subramaniya Swamy who lobbies for Power. Do not ever get carried away by these Politicians, though many are going to disagree your energy need to be focused with more Honest people.

BJP need to Revisit the handiwork of Subramaniyam Swamy

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