Lessons from Assembly Elections

Synopsis on the State elections

Uttar Pradesh, Goa,  has for once risen above expectancy in terms of polling percentage.  Congrats to Akhilesh yadav and Mr Parikkar for their Stellar role in their respective Victories. Many attribute to the want in change and the change is No to corruption. Though in Punjab and Uttarakhand it was a tight finish it was face saving for NDA in former but not so in later. The Only place wrested to Congress is Manipur. If at all BJP had come so near in Uttarakhand to the finish line despite many corruption charges against their few leaders it is because of General Kandhuri, Irony he has lost the elections (if the results are to be believed).

The Lessons drawn in this election for both Congress and BJP are  the people of India has arisen above Caste, Religion and  Petty political affiliation and Illusions and have taught that Development, Non-Corruption are the core issues concerned.

  • If not for the late reaction of BJP  ( Mr Kandhuri)  in Jharkhand corruption would have consumed BJP. If  BJP needs to form  a Govt it has to depend on Independents to stake a claim. 
  • If not for Development in Punjab NDA (SAD + BJP) the feudal factor would have consumed NDA. 
The Identity Politics played by BSP and Congress, The Ideological Politics played by BJP had received flak. The increase of Voting % change for SP and Congress, decrease in %voting for BJP and BSP  has little relevance now as the clear mandate is with SP.

The larger question for BJP's pathetic performance in Non-Urban , UpperCaste needs to be introspected. The Ideological card by not fielding Mr. Modi as their star campaigner is a huge loss when the taking was in offer. Decrease in -2% for BJP clearly indicates that BJP followers were not too happy with the inclusion of Sanjay Joshi(whereby  blocking Mr Modi ) is a serious flaw. If one were to go that Mr Modi Inclusion would have back lashed against BJP which could not have been the case (Inspite of Salman Kurshid playing Minority Appeasement finished 4th) . The other reason for the down fall is the inclusion of Kushwaha, the biggest mistake BJP did in including the tainted into their fold and started of the election in the wrong foot. Though credit needs to be given for the tireless effort of Ms. Uma Bharthi. It is high time Nitin invites Mr Modi to the National level,  else Nitin must pave way to Ms.Sushma. There is a tolerance to BJP supporters on Nitin;s shadow boxing which he needs to stop. So far his decision has been either defensive or has been as obstacle to the Growth of Mr Modi. Already there are rumors going around Mr Gadhkari is trying to Project Mr Arun Jaitley against Mr Modi ( as such they don't see an eye to an eye). Also Nitin's Photo Opps with Mr Swamy throws larger question on his intentions against the wishes of  Mr Advani and Mr.Vajpayee. High time Mr Nitin Answer it through credible decisions else take a back seat like Mr Lk Advani and pave way to Ms Sushma Swaraj. Also in comind days if BJP dosent throw Yedurappa for Good there is very little time left for BJP to resurrect itself.


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