Religion and Commotion

We find deluge reaction when it comes to Religion. Of late there were too many hate campaigns on religious conversions. I hail from Hindu religion and I have as much right as any other person of the same religion. This is the basic concept one needs to hold and should not have any brief  of their superiority in that religion irrespective of Class,Creed or Caste.

Before going any further let us see the inception of Mainstream Creations of Religion

  1. Hinduism       - Should be somewhere during 1500 B.C ( before Christ)
  2. Buddism       -  We have exact history and we can be sure it is 580  B.C
  3. Christian ism  -  It is hard to say  when Christianity was formed. As most believe Christianity was created by Jesus Christ himself. But there are other versions it is an amalgamations of other religions from Jewish, Egyptians, Pagan , Mesopotamin and  so on it seems it sould be around 33 AD (not sure)
  4. Muslim       -  Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia in 610 A.D

So when you look above the mainstream religion you find the order in which it was founded .

Why do religious conversion takes place possible scenario from Common Hindus claims
  • Spreading of other Ideology into Hinduism would enlarge their religion
  • Monetary benefits for the people who come forward to convert themselves
  • Benefits in terms of Quottas and reservations in Govt.
  • Realistically believe the other religion could impart more spirituality than Hinduism
  •  They would be brought into the mainstream of the Society
My question is if The first religion ie (Hindu) in the world cannot sustain its own people in conversion then serious introspection need to be done rather than blaming other Missionaries
  • Why not the religious head reach out to the socially backward
  • Why not ascertain the people on the values and virtues of Hinduism by reaching out
  • Why not improve the Socio-Economy of the very larger class of the Indian Population who are the targets of the other religions
  • Why have so many divisions within the religion which makes way for others to Poach
  • Why biased to the Upper Caste (like me)
  • Why not oppose when some part of the country where lower caste are not allowed to enter the temples.

We could go on and on in debating Religion and its flaws in handling the situation, no wonder the conversion rate is growing in alarming rate but we have to share the blame for not giving them the opportunity.

Ram Sena activist in Karnataka Hoisted Pakistan FLAG and immediately thereafter protested blaming the incident on the Minority community. However these RAM SENA activist were arrested and had confessed to the act that they were instigated by a sitting BJP MLA to polarize and create disharmony among the diversified community of India.

* These are my personal belief 
I always believe a Person is made of God and Devil inside, the more u throw the bad ideas ,thinking, actions from you u tend to go to a near good person and it is other way around if you wanted to be devil inside.

So religion is only a path to get spirituality ( cleaning oneself) and not resting in heaven or hell  after your death as described in fantasies.

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