What is Terror - Terror is to terrorize the Human Man Kind to create Chaos,Panic and cost the Precious Human lives. The Bombs, IED explosives, RDX or any form of the destructive agents do not strike a particular Caste, Creed or Religion. In short the Terror or its implication does not have any  brief to any religion. 

And Terrorist should not be categorized as our so called Politicians tend to do for their own Political ends. 

Terror in any form should be condemned and should never give a color to it. Unfortunately India the  World largest Pluralistic democracy is under siege because of the Ill fated Politicians who have soft support to the  terror and its activities .

What do we need to do ? We need to terrorize the terrorist in an affirmative actions. We need to go after them like the Mossads, KGB and CIA. But the truth is so bitter we give more room to these Terrorist to carry on with their Agenda.

It is almost 2 years since the Bhatla House encounter yet the Issue of Controversy has not died down because of this Clown Digvijay Singh. He has been claiming that he has hard facts and that it was staged encounter.

Either he is so stupid because the Prime Minister and the home Minister has refused to heed his claim as the Intelligence agencies has the concrete proof of these killed terrorist.
If his claims were to be true then the self claimed Muslim Protectionist should have gone to the court taking the moral route in prosecuting the Govt for unleashing Staged killing of these so called Innocent Muslims. 

He has done none and he deserved to be condemned  for supporting Terrorsits.

He had gone on record stating he had tried to convince the Prime Minister and the Home Minister with all relevant facts yet he was not heard.

How stupid he can be more being the most powerful man in the Congress and not able to be heard. 

These Politico Idiots be it from congress or from the Extreme Right wing Leaders need to understand the sympathetic attitude towards any group of terror is very dangerous.

It is High time some one put a Gag on these leaders especially so to this Clown of all Politicians Mr. Digvijay Singh. 

The supreme Court should intervene with these Politicians who have free speeches to Invoke hatred, Communal ism and Violence.  

A few days back there was a commotion in Karnataka when a Pakistan Flag was hoisted and then Immediately there were Protest, Dharna and Chaos organised by the Right wing Group. But after unbiased investigations by the state ( BJP ruled) the suspects were arrested and no surprise the Pakistan Flag was hoisted by Ram Sena activist who had earlier  blamed the Minority community.  Newspaper carried reports that One Prominent BJP sitting MLA was instrumental. Few would remember RAM SENA for their Moral Policing in Karnataka and were on the headlines for all the wrong reasons a couple of years back .

Similar groups with more politically established ones are MNS and Shiv Sena who take the Law into their own hands. Both the Thackery's owned group are only a menace to this society. They do not have tolerance to their own country men when it comes to linguistic Issue. How do these group can take India forward. The Thackeray's Pvt. Ltd., (Shiv Sena and  MNS) also need to be taught a lesson. 

BJP and RSS could do lot of  good to themselves by shunning the extreme Hindutva groups like RAM SENA, and they should also desist any kind of stand towards them.

The recent Delhi blast and the arrest of suspected Operatives  unravel  the IM module , showed that northern Bihar districts bordering Nepal are the 'new Azamgarh' for this indigenous terror group.

The Home Ministry had been spot on with the job when it comes down with Terror Activity be it IM, Let, Maoist or from the Extreme Right wing.

Having said that Mr.Digvijay Singh as usual has a soft stand when the terror committed on the Indian Soil by any Muslim factions and especially with IM.  This Split personality of Digvijay who talks of Secularism (god knows what it means to Congress) and support to terrorist cell is surprising. 

I wish the subsequent Govt in Central need to investigate and Prosecute all the Clowns of Politicians be it from any party their connections and sympathy to the terrorist  Cell.

(also blog  Is Digvijay a RSS Agent  )

Today I read a piece from Dr Subramaniya swamy article which was news to me and thought I need to share with you all.

Cortesy from http://swamy39.blogspot.com/2012/01/12-jan-dr-subramanian-swamy-challenges.html
January 12 2012 : 
Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy on 12 January 
It is surprising that the Congress General Secretary Mr. Digvijay Singh has held his own Party’s choice for the Union Home Minister, namely, Mr. P. Chidambaram, responsible for denying a probe into the Batla House encounter. Mr. Digvijay Singh, however, has been silent all these years on the genocide of Muslim youths in Hashimpura, (Meerut district) during May, 1987 when the Provincial Armed Constabulary of U.P. deliberately selected 40 Muslim youths of the Hashimpura area at around midnight, and trucked them to a canal called Gang Nehar near Moradnagar, and then shot each of them individually and threw their bodies into the canal. At that time the Union Minister of State for Home affairs, Mr. Chidambaram, a day before the genocide action had aerially surveyed the area with the then U.P. Chief Minister Mr. Veer Bahadur Singh. When I demanded an inquiry, it was refused to hide that it was a State sponsored genocide. Thereafter, in August 1987, I went on an indefinite fast at the Boat Club, which lasted seven days, before the then Prime Minister (and my good friend Rajiv Gandhi) acceded to my demand for inquiry.
I challenge Mr. Digvijay Singh to similarly sit on a fast unto death, for holding of a Commission of Inquiry, to find out the facts into the Batla House incident. Today, the people want action, not words for the press in such issues of human rights. Time has arrived for Mr. Digvijay Singh to prove his bonafides. We have had enough of his speeches. As an office bearer of a ruling party, he has no moral right just to emit hot air on such sensitive issues.


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