Suresh Kalmadi a disgrace to India served nine months in Tihar Jail pertaining to the mega-sporting event held in New Delhi in 2010 called "CWG".
Kalmadi had been accused of allegedly awarding a contract to a Swiss firm to install a Timing-Scoring-Result (TSR) system for the Games at an exorbitant rate, causing a loss of over Rs 90 crore to the state exchequer. Though he is out on bail and as usual goes to do his business with IOA ? Pity our Law which cant do anything with these Scamsters.
Sheila Dixit -Even before we get into the Main Scam by the Delhi CM  let us see her contribution to the Mini Scams and Immoral decisions  proving herself that she belongs to Congress. Lokayuktha has written to the outgoing President to take action against Sheila DIxit for Unethically distorting facts in the Pre-Poll e;ection campaign.

  • In 2009, Delhi lokayukta investigated a complaint filed by advocate Sunita Bhardwaj, a BJP worker, saying that Dikshit misused Rs 3.5 crore received from the Central government under the Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission for Rajiv Ratan Awas Yojana to give out personal advertisements. 
  • Taking a strong exception to the pre-poll announcement made by chief minister Sheila Dikshit that “60,000 flats were ready to be handed over to the urban poor despite knowing well that they were not ready”, Lokayukta Justice Manmohan Sarin recommended to the President to censure her. The  lokayukta recommended to the President to “administer a caution to the chief minister to be careful in publication of her messages in future”. 
  • Dikshit says the lokayukta,  can't be the sole judge of what is unethical" and the anti-graft watchdog should "limit itself to core corruption issues".  Double Standard followed by Congress as usual, yet they cry for the head of Yedurappa tim and again
  • Dikshit came under criticism for granting parole to Manu Sharma after media reports of him visiting night clubs in Delhi emerged. Manu Sharma is accused of murdering Jessica Lal and serving life sentence 
31st January
Shunglu Committee has blamed Delhi Lt Governor Tejinder Khanna and Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit for procedural violations and inadequacies in executing projects related to the Commonwealth Games.

The committee questioned the procedure and found fault in choosing real estate developer Emaar MGF to construct over 1,100 and found irregularity to the tune of 1200 crore alone in this deal. There are many other deals which Sheila and Lt gen are being implicated by the same report.

Apart from the above mentioned misappropriation of the said amount EMaar has also been indicted for knowlingly supplying incorrect information and for various acts of Omission and commission.Shunglu report has recommended serious action against Emaar.  

Surprisingly Emaar was selected out of the 2 bidders other than DLF. Surprisingly this Emaar was finalised after Ms Dixit visit to Dubai and so co-incedental Emar MGF has HQ in UAE.

Emaar has a strong presence in the Gulf came out with India Operations in 2005 and its Promotions and Projects were eyeing on the Commonwealth Games right from the start. In Hyderabad it has entangled with Irregularity in Promoting Five Star resort Hotel  resulting in the arrest of Home Secy  this day.

What many know is that Sheila is known to be a member of kitchen cabinet of Sonia. Despite knowing the fact that DLF is funding Vadora she took the painstaking visit to Dubai and later resulted in signing with Emaar, which left DLF out of the race.

This snub from Sheila was not expected by  either Sonia or  Vadora. There could have been a compromise had the scam had not leaked out to the media.

Many wonder how  Times Now  no where from Blue got the lead. Unless someone inside the Govt who wanted to fix both  Sheila and Sonia arrogance no media on earth would have got a scent of the ongoing scam. There was a systematic leak of information which put Kalmadi, Sheila in the Dock.

The moment Sheila's  name got into the Scam reports sources from certain Print Medias indicate It was the Idea of Home Minister and the Prime Minister to appoint the Shunglu commission without even getting the consent from Ms Sonia.

Either way Sonia must have been happy coz as far as her limited knowledge No Commission was assertive , second Vadora had a lucky escape coz Sheila ditched DLF.

Now Sheila Dixit is making Hue and Cry and slamming the then Finance Ministry for the in-ordinate delay resulting the Inflated Prices.

No one is going to buy that story @ least not the courts.

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