NGO and their so called contribution

With India estimated to have one third of the world's poor, many foreign tourists try to donate their time and money to a good cause when they visit.  Some NGOs in India stand accused of earning a living by pretending to be a charity. A number of schools set up to help the poorest of the poor are allegedly turning out to be fakes. Some of the Prominent NGo's under religious banner dont even have an office. Their source of  funding is not transparent and it dosent reach the needy. Most of the Fundamentalist run NGO be it Hindu,Christian or Muslim it only serves in spreading their religion or their fundamentalist activities, this is a dangerous trend and needs immediate check.

This day from the Hindu 5th Feb

“Two NGOs received Rs. 54 crore foreign funds”

The recent raids conducted by the officials of the Union Home Ministry on the premises of Tuticorin RC Bishop's official premises in the wake of the ongoing anti-Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project protests have yielded information on the influx of foreign funds to the tune of Rs. 54 crore to two non-governmental organisations. “These two NGOs are being administered by the RC Bishop of Tuticorin Diocese Rt. Rev. Yvon Amborise,” Union Minister V. Narayanasamy told reporters after a public meeting organised here on Saturday evening demanding the immediate commissioning of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project. He said that while the Bishop's two NGOs had received Rs. 54 crore, another NGO being run by anti-KKNPP struggle committee convener S. P. Udayakumar had received foreign funds to the tune of Rs. 1.50 crore. “If proper account is not maintained by the NGOs for the expenditure of this huge sum, the Union Home Ministry will initiate stringent action against the erring NGOs,” he said.

On the other hand there are NGO and Human right activist who operate for a only simple reason in attracting the  Media Space.

Teesta Satalwad who had been hailed by many a crusader against injustice and had been unequivocally supported by Left and more so by Congress. She was roped in by Sonia under NAC also played a crucial hand in drafting Communal Violence Bill. This lady not many know was pulled up by the SC for submitting false affidavit  and she is out now on bail. She is also a proxy to some of the NGO run by  Sonia Gandhi operating in Rajasthan and Gujarath. The so called crusaders earn so huge amount of benefits for no real work, , little they do is come on the TV debates and give opinions anything under the sun.  Wanna know more on Teesta read >>> Crusader of Muslims

Agnivesh Politician turned Activist! Whats baffling is his self proclaimed Status like "Swamy" , "Scholar" ( Arya Samaj)! But he is more known for his Maoist Support, better known for Anti Hindu Sentiments! He is known to be a known Middleman in funding the Maosit! Some sources say he was roped in by Congress after Intelligence has enough Material on him in many Illegal Activities of Maoists! His On Camera James Bond Activity working for her Majesty against the Team ANNA proves that he is a worthless Activist!  Play >> Agnivesh with Sibal

We have seen Aruna Roy well known Social activist,  Magsaysay award winner was destined to be a prominent leader in social cause who was later roped in by Sonia in NCPRI and NAC . Her sudden outburst against Janlokpal in the month of August this year terming it as lack of appropriateness and full of flaws. Could this be because Anna had hijacked the entire section of People and Media leaving her no attention. This same Grand Lady had a huge role in the Food security bills with too much of gaping hole and ultimately found its way to the bin. Her Organisation Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan had taken a back burner ever since she joined with Sonia but funds keep flowing in and no accountability. People who are good in servicing the needy should stick to their strengths not into venturing Bills, Aruna association in drafting Food Security, Womens Right and god knows how many drafts of Lokpal had never caught any attention of the Pundits leave alone the Parliamentarians.

Arundathi Roy is another well known writer and self proclaimed Human right activist. Irony of the fact she lacked to see the merits of the Country, Its Ideology and its value. Rather she was keen more to engage herself with Separatist and ISI backed host across the globe. No one is denying the fact that there could be human right violation in some cases but it dosent give her the licence to hold Anti India meet at the capital. Her associate and a popular host on Kashmir issue has been recently arrested in the US for espionage and lobbying for a false cause (kashmir). Would Arundathi roy come out in open and apologize to the Nation. No because she disappeared cos media does not give her any more space. She is also known for land grabbing read >>> Land Grab by Arundati Roy

Medha Patkar  is known for Narmada Bachao Andolan currently asociated with team ANNA. Not only she but also her parents were socially active.  Her recent remarks on Koodankulam Nuclear Plant was way out of context. She joined issue with Dr Abdul Kalam and refuting his theories. I dont think so she is qualified enough to justify the false alarm created by some activist over its safety. The moment our country takes up any Infrastructure, Power, Foreign Investment rerorm you can find load of Social activist jumping in create an uneasy situation. Many of the common people only debate on the issue raised by these so called learned social activist. There is also an accusation Medhaa is working for foriegn Agents for all Anti Hydro Projects in India  she had been exposed read >>>  Medha Patkar exposed  There are far greater truth hidden on all the agendas of the so called NGO. 

NGO run By Sonia and Family Few months ago Congress downplayed land acquisition by Rajiv Gandhi Charitable in Haryana . The High Court Ordered all relevant records and its details and slamming the trust in bending the rules in acquiring lands.  The same scam is also taking place in Gurgaon and in Ilawas village. The Trust members are Sonia,Rahul and Priyanka.There are more than 100 NGO's are operated under Sonia and her family but little do they reach the needy. Most of the Money run by Sonia is utilised for Party functions and elections rather than for the cause.

Most NGO receives funding from Vested interest either through UN or Christian missionary and their only aim to thwart any competition that may be uneasy to them. Other countries use these NGO to stall the development process so that India does not reach any new heights. Iam in no way accusing any NGO operates knowing fully aware of the aim of the vested Interest. We also have some of leading Electronic media like CNN-IBN fully funded by Christian mission from US and their sole agenda is to be Anti-BJP stand with paid news and Hindutva bashing. As far as Prannoy Roy's NDTV sources say it is 100% funded by Christian mission from Spain. I wonder why these religious Institution want to fund Media Barons of India. Your guess is as good as mine. 

Foreign hand in Sabotaging our Democracy

I am satisfied the  present proposed Lokpal Bill at least take care of these issues. 

Lets hope the NGO' prevail with better sense and the Media gives us undistorted news.

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